Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 51 (May 23): Durham

This morning the girls (plural, yay!) and I met Grandad outside the Cathedral in the late morning and together we four took a walking tour of Durham.   We are on Day 2 of Weather Perfection here in Durham City.!  (Today was even a bit too warm, and I even sweated!)

Indoor Market...  from indoors

love this place...  what Walmart should be 

requisite stop for a photo...  the sky was much bluer than this photo looks

After lunch back at the flat, Grandad and Erin joined Chris for an official Cathedral tour and Castle tour while I did some errands (finally bought a watch!) and Caroline and I stayed home and took care of business, rested, etc.

This evening included finalizing some travel plans (Scotland again!) as well as dinner, a walk, etc.