Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 19: Durham

A Full English breakfast, or my approximation thereof, this morning: buttered toast, tomatoes, English-style bacon, fried egg.

The real thing also includes baked beans, a sausage, and "black pudding"

Oh, and I think only one tomato half.

a sweet building with a rich history

We visited the small Durham Heritage Museum in town today, the best part was the building it was housed in, an old church which (of course) is no longer used as a church. 

Then a few stops in a couple of shops, and back to the flat, with a stop here and there for pictures.  Durham has some really cool old bridges.

Old Elvet Bridge was built in the 12th century!...  can you see the yellow fields in the distance?

I spent the rest of the afternoon and much of the evening deeply immersed in travel planning.  Now that I've had a week or so to recover, I am ready to think about new adventures!